Meet Tweetu's Friends!
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Again, this shower was supposed to be a 'surprise' for me...but as it had to be, friends planning it, were not very cautious & soon the hints got converted to facts!
Was at the clinic this a.m. for the 1st NST...
...Tweetu has dropped!
We reached the ER & filled up the necessary paper-work. Within 5 minutes, I was wheeled to the second floor of the hospital- the maternity ward. The plan was to monitor Tweetu for x hrs & if needed, I will be sent back to the ER for further tests.
Let me tell you something about this wheelchair ride. I love the TV shows ER, House, Grey's Anatomy - you name it. I crave for that Adrenaline rush! I love the action that takes place on the ER floor & have always wished to be a care provider.
I have always jumped into action when any family member or friend has gotten injured & had to be taken to the hospital. I would gladly drag the wheelchair & the patient without any hesitation!
But yesterday, when the roles switched & I was the one sitting on the wheelchair, being pushed by someone else- it felt so eerie! I was scared. The hospital seemed like the worst place in the whole world - & I didnt want to be there! People passing us thought I was in labour- few wished me luck! Not now, not so early...I was screaming within myself!
Anyways, I was taken to the L&D room. The room was large & pleasantly decorated. I was asked to lie down on the bed. A nurse came in & hooked me on to external Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (EFM) & contraction(maternal) probes; blue & pink elastic-like bands were tied across my tummy. Within a second, the fetal monitor started registering Tweetu's heart-beats & my contractions(yes, I had some Braxton's) were getting recoreded too. The nurse showed me how the bed operated, took my BP & checked my body temperature.
Thus began our long journey into the unknown...we were not sure if things were ok, we didnt know how long I would be monitored, tests to be performed, which OB/Gyn would see me, & when we would get to go home! There was a complete loss of control & everything was new to me...I mean you dont normally read up on trauma related emergency procedures...
My body temperature was 99.5 F- a little higher than expected. The nurse quickly concluded that I was dehydrated, which I was, & brought me 12oz of orange juice & a large can of water. Tweetu was doing fine between 140-150 beats/min. After about 40 minutes, the OB came in, looked at the chart & saw a couple of declerations & contractions. Typically Fetal Heart Rate(FHR) recordings correlate accelerations and decelerations with uterine contractions and identify the pattern. I was told that I would be monitored for the next 6 hours.
Later on, the nurse came in almost every 1.5hrs to check on me or if the recordings concerned her. She carried out the routine BP, temperature checkings too. Around 8pm, dinner arrived. Looking @it, we decided that TD would go out & get dinner for us! I dont know why they say hospital food is like airline food...airline food is 100 times better!
The next OB on rotation arrived & looked at the charts & told us that we were not going home that night. In the morning, after breakfast, she had scheduled an u/s & based on that she would decide if I would be allowed to go home. TD was given extra linens & a pull out chair bed was available for him.
A few years ago, my Dad met with a terrible accident & was hospitalized for almost 9 months. He had broken bones & stitches everywhere. He couldnt move. I cannot imagine what he must have gone through...I had all the comforts- pillows, a reclining bed, my Snoogle, the Dad had none...
I hardly slept that night. Everytime I moved, Tweetu would also move & her heart rate would change...sometimes, it would go up, others, it would slowly go down& get back up again. And sometimes when Tweetu moved all by herself, the monitor would stop recording as she would go hiding someplace & out of the probe range! The monitor noise kept me aware and awake. I tried not to move as much as I could. But then I realized, how would I function otherwise! After about 6 hrs, I gave up & became immune to the accelerations & decelerations! These ups & downs, within normal ranges, are a part and parcel of pregnancy.
Later, another nurse came in & drew some blood to check the presence of Tweetu's cells/blood in my blood. If positive, based on the amount, this would indicate the extent of trauma. Unfortunately, the test came positive. Around 2ccs of Tweetu's cells were found in my blood. The OB told us that the amount was pretty negligible but to be on the conservative side, and after she gets to see the ultrasound results, I may have to be monitored for a full 24 hrs ie until 1pm the next day.
Around 10:30am the next day, I was wheeled to the Radiology department for an u/s. Every nurse, doctor who saw me was aware of the accident & so was the Radiologist! The u/s went well. My bladder was full & Tweetu was active. After I was sent back to my room, the OB visited us one more time and showed satisfaction. The u/s & the overnight monitoring had gone well. She enquired if I had any pain, backache or blood discharge. I had none. Later that day, the OB came back for one last time & told us it was time to go home! She asked me to schedule NSTs, twice per week for the rest of my pregnancy & an u/s @ week 36. I am not allowed to exert but take it slow.
We were so relived to be discharged from the hospital. The 'outside world' looked different to me! I almost felt like I had come out of seclusion; was in exile for a very long time...the feeling is unexplainable! I can only wonder, how Dad must have felt when he got out of the hospital...
So as you can imagine, my darling TD is in top gear! He is managing everything so well...& today, he did something that I could only dream of! He made my favourite Masala-Dosa!
:The Accident:
I will probably never forget this date, time, the intersection or the Dosa craving I had, for my entire life...& thats because I met with an accident.
Me & Tweetu had a very strong Masala-Dosa craving & decided to have it for lunch. We left our house & were @the closest intersection, taking a left turn onto a street when suddenly we were hit by a speeding city tree maintainance truck, which was taking a reverse.
Bam...Bam...I think we were hit twice before the driver of the truck realized that he had just hit a Black SUV.
I remember looking right @the behind of the truck coming right onto me before it hit us...& I was thinking to myself, why isnt this guy braking - why isnt the truck stopping...!
After the impact, I lost control of my SUV & glided from the right side of this small street, to finally stop on its left side. Both out bodies literally shook from the impact & in those initial moments, I quickly realized - we were not hurt!
The entire left side(the drivers side or my side to be precise) of my SUV had caved in...
I tried to get out of my Van but the door wouldnt open; the alarm was on...thankfully, I was calm & could think...I switched the engine on & off just to nullify the auto-lock system of the vehicle...till then, I hadnt realized that the impact to the Van was much severe than I had anticipated...the left side doors were jam closed & were banged in...I couldnt move or turn over, as my seat was strongly locked into its position. I was frantically searching for my cell but couldnt find it as the impact threw it away.
None of the cars, crossing the intersection stopped...
A couple of minutes later, the driver of the truck, approached me with a question mark expression on his face...more like he was trying to tell me that it was my fault!
I was in no mood to discuss anything with this un-educated senseless guy who had got me & my baby into this situation.
I lowered the right side window & asked him for his cell phone.
Dialed our home phone on the first attempt, which obviously went to our answering machine! Feeling stupid, I then dialed TD's cell, hoping he would answer & not disconnect, looking at an unknown number.
I, very calmly told him of what had happened...his only question was 'how are you? Are you hurt?'...I gave him the location of the accident & he left his his office the very next second.
Then I made the 911 call...the most useless call I would say!
You know, everywhere in the US, we are told that in case of any emergency, we should dial 911. Even a kid knows what to do in certain situations..
Now you ask me- why I called it the most useless call?
Its because, when one is in trouble, in an accident, you need support & can only think of the Police & that is why you dial 911.
Unfortunately, this call is always directed to an answering machine! If you are lucky, a 'live person', typically the Dispatcher, after a wait of good 2-3 minutes, might come up on the line & try to gather information from you. This person then transfers your call to a nearby patrol car ie to a Cop. Again, the Cop spends some time, asking you, his/her set of questions & decides the next plan of action, ie whether to visit the crime/accident scene(???!!) or just to leave it to the victim to deal with the situation, entirely on his/her own! Do you know that if you are not physically hurt or injured, the Cops wont even show up at the site of the crime!
This is exactly what happened in my case! I was shell-shocked when this lady Cop calmly told me that she wouldnt be showing up & that I needed to deal with the situation by exchanging information(drivers license, insurance, vehicle number etc) with the other party & let our insurance companies take care of it!
All this time, this driver of the truck, was getting very restless & wanted to leave! But because, I had his cell phone, he couldnt do anything about it. His plan was to just take off. All his 5 other truck companions, were giving me this weird look...but I held on to the phone... & I was not giving it back, until I made the calls.
Then, holding onto the phone, I asked him(truck driver) his name, his drivers license number etc. He could not speak in English & so could not communicate with me. One of the guys from the group, the 'smart' guy, who kindof understood & could speak broken English, became the Translator. He too told me, that he was getting late for his job & that he had to leave & that all this, was indeed my fault!
I gave him a stern look & calmly told him that I was not going to discuss anything with him & that our insurance compaines would do the talking.
This 'smart' guy, then produced a paper on which he had a statement from a 'witness', ie one of his other friend, stating that I was at fault!
I reiterated my statement.
He then pressured me to give him my information first before he would give out his(his driver friends)! I said OK!
By then, TD called on the cell phone & asked for me...the guy had to give me the phone! He(TD) was worried...was not sure how I was doing...he was just 5 mins away...
& during this conversation, between me & the 'smart' guy, to my relief, TD arrived & took over! I gave him my sheet of information, that I had collected & he started doing his investigation - took the same stuff from this unwilling guys! He then called the insurance company, which came on line in a lightning speed(this is what is expected of the 911 call - but well...!), and asked if we had to file a report as the other party was not agreeing to their fault. He also tried calling 911 & was told the same old thing - TD went speechless!
He then helped me out of the Van, through the passenger side of the Van. & that is when, the rest of the guys noticed that I was pregnant. They started chit-chatting amongst themselves; I could almost feel their eyes on my pregnant tummy.
A couple of cop cars passed by us - no one stopped!
Few minutes later, we were done. The guys left & TD & I got back home in his car - my Van, parked in emergency, on the site of the accident.
TD took off with our camera to take pictures of our destroyed Van & the location of the accident. Meanwhile, I called the clinic. The advise nurse asked me to proceed to the emergency ward of the Hospital.
No sooner did TD get back, we went to the emergency unit. Heres another interesting thing. There was Clergy parking, ambulance parking, single child parking(I dont know what that means!), medical staff parking, attending doctors parking, green parking(limited time) but NO stork parking! We had to drive around the hospital to find a regular parking slot! & they call it 'emergency' unit! Anyways! @least the wait wasnt that bad! I was taken in within 5 minutes.
Photo courtesy: Atangledweb
Here are a list of things that really worry me once I am in labour & otherwise:
...we finally attended the most recommended-for-all-couples(read dadds) class this Saturday...the childbirth class.
TD & I have been trying to finalize on a name... ppl, its a tough job!
~I love it when Tweetu kicks! & honestly, she has made me realize 99% of the time that she knows what I am thinking!
~ I dont pick up things, dont bend that often, am not expected to pull or push anything...
~I dont have deadlines to keep! Its OK if I am late for an appointment!
~I love the attention I get! Just everyone around me is so interested in knowing the sex of the baby or how far along I am...! I like it when they play the guessing game!
~ I love shopping & from day 1, TD hasnt stopped me - once!
Everything is about Me, Me & Tweety(of course!)...
Its 3:40am & I am wide awake, typing this entry! This too, is one of the pleasures of being pregnant...
Photo courtesy:mothernbaby
Yes, had another craving episodes this Wednesday...this time it was that oily, fried hand tossed veggie Pizza-Hut Pizza! I ordered the veggie-lovers & TD picked it up on his way home.
So yesterday as I walked in the clinic, the advise nurse asked me if I had taken the flu shots. I was blank, said no.