<bgsound src="http://www.munchkin.com/information_station/get_download.php?file=../userfiles/File/AhVousDiraiJeTwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.mp3">

My Tweety Pie...: June 2006

My Tweety Pie...

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 30, 2006

Week 13

Tweetu, by now, your neck has become longer and your head will now move up, which makes you look more human - more like mom..??? :) Here is a cute 4D u/s picture of a week 13 foetus.
Your bones are growing rapidly and limbs are lengthening.
In a few weeks from now, we will be able to confirm whether you are a boy or a girl!!
Your fingers and toes are separate and have the beginnings of nails.
Your Ankles and wrists have formed and you may have already started growing some hair!

Most of your aunts & uncles have already established your sex based on:
Heart beat over 140 = girl ; No MS = boy ;Carrying low = girl!!

We are very close to the end of the 1st Trimester & foetal organogenesis.

By K's Mumma@ 10:57 AM
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Thursday, June 29, 2006

ClustrMaps User Of The Month!

WOW!! My Tweetu's blog is ClustrMap's user of the month!
It is such an exciting news! My clustermap gets upgraded & hopefully I will be able to pinpoint the exact location of visitors!

Other than that, I have been feeling a little worried about how Tweetu is doing in there...I had hoped to see Tweetu during the NT scanning but we decided not to go ahead with it. Now its another 15 day wait before I go for my 1st OB appointment where we will be able to meet the lady Gynac that we have asked for... Hope we like her & stuff...

This is another one of those always-hungry weeks! I crave for sweetness!! I dont want to starve myself but have been not excercising discipline on that part...sorry Tweetu, dont wanna hurt you but your Mama needs to work on that front...
Just got this of of of Babycenter - "In a nutshell: Your baby's health and growth is directly related to what you eat before and during your pregnancy. And when you're tempted to overdo it, remember that you're eating for a baby, not another full-sized adult. "

By K's Mumma@ 11:11 AM
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Monday, June 26, 2006

NT Scanning - Should You OR Shouldnt You...

We went for the supposedly "routine" NT testing today.

NT scan helps to measure the clear ("translucent") space in the tissue at the back of your developing baby's neck. It screens for abnormal chromosomes, such as Trisomy 21(Down Syndrome), 18 & 27, for neural tube defects such as spina bifida & congenital heart problems.
In layman's term, just remeber that a third chromosome is present at a particular genetic location, instead of a pair - thus the name "Tri"somy(the condition of having three copies of a given chromosome in each somatic cell rather than the normal number of two).
Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester, causing this clear space to be larger.

Previously, I had called my health insurance co. regarding the coverage & I had received conflicting answers. But I trusted the latter positive response.

It is a two part appointment; first with a Genetic counselor & the second is the prenatal ultrasound with a blood test to check the levels of HCG(human chorionic gonadotrophin), PAPP-A(plasma protein A) & AFP(fetoprotein).

NT must be done between 11 weeks 0 days and 13 weeks 6 days menstrual gestational age as the translucency under the skin at the back of the fetal neck, is transient & becomes thick, and may be gone if you look after 14 weeks.

Every 'normal' woman, of age 30(without any family history or prescription) has 1 in 700 chances of carrying a baby with genetic abnormality. Remember that this test doesn't directly test for chromosomal problems — it just gives you a better idea of your baby's statistical likelihood of having a problem. A normal result (sometimes called "screen negative") isn't a guarantee that your baby is normal, but it suggests that a chromosomal problem is unlikely. And an abnormal result (sometimes called "screen positive") doesn't mean that your baby has a chromosomal problem — just that he's more likely to have one.
The results of this test are 80 percent accurate in detecting the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. That means that if you're carrying a baby with DS, there's an 80 percent chance that the test will pick that up and give you a "screen positive" result indicating that further testing is recommended. It also means there's a 20 percent chance that the test will miss the DS and give you a "screen negative" result, in which case diagnostic testing won't be recommended!
This does not mean that a "screen positive" baby has an 80 percent chance of having DS. It just means that 80 percent of babies who have DS will have screening results that are suspicious enough to recommend diagnostic testing. And 20 percent of babies who have DS will be shown to be at normal risk — that is, the results will be falsely reassuring.
The test also has a 5 percent false positive rate. A "false positive" result is one that suggests there may be a problem when, in fact, there is no problem. In this case, a 5 percent false positive rate means that 5 percent of the babies with normal chromosomes who are tested will be "screen positive" — the test will show them to have an increased risk even though they're normal. Based on this "false positive" result, their mothers may go ahead with invasive diagnostic testing that they otherwise might not have. (And they'll probably worry more, too, until a CVS or amnio shows that their baby is fine.)

So ineffect, who should go for this scanning? I will strongly say that if & only if you fall under the following category, should you go ahead with this screening! Trust me - this will save you from a lot of headache!
-- If you are 35 years & older &/OR
-- If you have a family history &/OR
-- If your OB doctor has prescribed you.

I will highly recommend that you talk with your practitioner or a genetic counselor about how to interpret the results, because unless you have a lot of experience with statistical analyses and evaluating medical tests, they can be very confusing...

We were lucky that we could see, in time, that we really didnt need to get this test done!

Also, we wanted to double check with our insurance provider regarding the coverage. To our relief, the u/s was but the blood work(worth some $100-$150) wasnt. We would have gone ahead with the testing anyway ...but we didnt feel the need to put ourselves into an unneccersary "situation".

The decision was easy to make - we didnt do the testing!

Now looking forward to my first appointment with the Gynac!

Oh BTW, the "news" is all over the place! Yesterday, at a b-day party, one of the gals asked me the question & so we decided to tell it all!

By K's Mumma@ 11:41 AM
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sleepless in ....!

Wow this is crazy! I have been hungry all week long...all I do is eat!
& now, I have been getting up at night, first to go to the loo(which has been a problem since day 1) & now hunger...!
& suddenly I have been drinking a lot of water...I am almost thirsty - all 24/7.
Is it the triple digit summer heat or my body just needs it?
Havent been on the weighing scale yet...!!

Oops..I did it again!
I told a client about my pregnancy...now I will keep my mouth shut until July 12th/14th..!

Scheduled a routine Nuchal Translucency appointment for Monday...another oppertunity to see my Tweety Pie! Hope everything goes well....!

& here is something funny...! Am I not the one to get cravings & expected to snack on stuff? Well, its TD here who has all the cravings :))! He sits late at night, watching TV, with a tub of ice-cream...always wants to eat a chocolate....has been putting on weight!!

By K's Mumma@ 4:11 AM
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Ok...I couldnt hold my enthusiasm...

I told my best friends about our expected little-bundle-of-joy!

They have no clue....& I can only imagine their reaction! But I'll have to wait for maybe more than 24hrs to know what & how they felt reading my email(coz they live continents away)...!!

We gals(3 of us) go a long way...we have sailed through the goods, the bads & the ugly - together! I am blessed to have them in my life...!

By K's Mumma@ 5:53 PM
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Monday, June 19, 2006

When To, When Not To....

...announce - that we are having a baby!!
In the very begining, we had sorta decided that we will break the news to our friends & rest of our family, after week 14.
Then, I, for some reason cooked up this date - it was going to be 24th June, until I once again realized that if we declared on the 24th, Tweetu wont be completley 3 months old, gestationally....

Many of our friends had announced after their Tweetu's were gestationally 3+ months old...
So, we are back to plan A(for now!)!

14th July it is!
Awww, such a loooong wait!

BTW, our Alaska bookings are almost done! Car, and we will be done calling up Alaskans for quotes!
We will be boarding a catamaran to take the 26 Glacier tour, hop on the bus for an 8 hour Tundra Wilderness Tour @Denali, & ride the chopper at Mt. McKinley.

Looking forward to our last honeymoon...!

By K's Mumma@ 1:43 PM
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@11+ Week

Weird week...I have been loosing sleep & a lot of hair!
I have been having sleepless nights & the weirdest of dreams - not the animal ones(I otherwise typically dream of snakes ,tigers, falling off some skyscrapper or drowning!! -any dream analyser? :))), but of people I know...!

I "heard" one of my Uncles chant "
Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya" - a Sanskrit shloka...
saw a weird scene unfolding before of my eyes involving my lil bro...the other night I felt I saw an Alien(similar to M. Night's Signs) standing at our bedroom door!!! It felt so real(or was I imagining things)...Frightened, I got up & shut the bedroom door!

I wonder, why I am having "bad" dreams - except "Yada..."! Or maybe, this is how "weird" dreams are like...

A coincidence - I was going over last night's dream with TD & found Babycenter's newsletter in my inbox -
'The truth about weird pregnancy dreams' - funny isnt it?!

Per the article, the increasing levels of Progestrone are to be blamed & here is something on "
deciperhing" ones(PG gurl's ofcourse!) dreams.
"Dreams reflect your emotional state, so it's only natural that during pregnancy — a time of many mixed emotions — your dreams seem more intense and stranger than usual. Hormonal changes (specifically, a surge in
progesterone) also make you dream more frequently and vividly. And you may be remembering more of your dreams if you're regularly waking up during the night, interrupting phases of dream-filled REM sleep."

Hmm...& what is the scientific explanation to hair loss?? Every time I run my fingers through my hair - a bunch of them are ready to unite with my hand! Geez...at this rate - I will go bald by the time Tweetu is here...

My appetites just shotup. I am aware that I should'nt gain too much at this junture... I have been having cravings(are they really cravings considering a total foodie that I am!) for sweet & spicy food.... last weekend, I managed to fry, twice.....been away from the weighing machine since then...!!

By K's Mumma@ 1:05 PM
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

9 Weeks

Hmm...this was a little upsetting week. ...
Had a constant mild headache for the entire week.
Had very primitive MS symptoms like excessive salivation for a couple of days.
Had a lot of mood swings - was really getting angry on TD for no reason..!
Had urges to have lots of sweet, spicy food & had lots of buttered(plus "cheese spreaded") wheat bread...!
My skin felt very dry, especially my fingers & toes...
& to top all that, I CRIED!! Ask me why - & I wont be able to tell you! Its very funny ...! & while I was crying, my logical self didnt question me - even once...! For record, I cried twice...:(
I was miserable...!
Good news- its all in the past!

By K's Mumma@ 10:53 AM
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Week 10

Hey All...I have been away from my blog for sometime now...
But 'am excited to tell you about my first sono! Yep sono...!
Was supposed to be just the Doppler BUT, God had other plans for us :)
After the physical, the nurse got the Sono m/c instead of the Doppler!
I had no time to prepare myself ...I was actually going to both hear & see Tweetu!
The nurse applied some gel & rolled the sono wand !!
Wow...in a second we saw Tweetu!!
Tweetu was a perfectly complete miniature image of a new born baby....
My "Walnut"(thats how "big" my Tweetu is!!) was floating in the Amniotic fluid, waving her/his hands & all...:)) He/she was moving a lot & everytime the wand was pressed to my tummy, Tweetu jumped! It was so much fun to watch!
The heart beats were 150/min(which is normal for Tweetu's age). Tweetu's heart was beating almost like a steam engine!
The first images were the best... the nurse should have taken the picture then...
TD was so amazed...I had to remind him of switching on the laptop to record the heart beats(he is still working on "refining" the audio-.wav - so it will be some more time untill it goes online)
It was a surreal experience...
Up until that point, I wasnt really aware of what was growing in me...
I was following the Carnegie developemental stages(therotically know how Tweety is developing et all)but to actually see a fully formed foetus in your womb left me speechless...!
I still dont feel Tweetu...they say, once she/he starts kicking around 5-6th month, thats when I will really start feeling pregnant!
Lucky for me, I am in perfect health & so is Tweetu! No MS or anything at all...
The nurse was a little inexperienced - so could not measure Tweetu... Asked her regarding my dental treatment - she advised to keep it off untill after delivery, when Tweetu is good 3-4 months old..
My next appnt is with my Gynac, its actually the first with her!
Will keep you posted :)

!! EDD : 5th Jan 2007 !!

By K's Mumma@ 10:25 AM
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Thursday, June 01, 2006


I found some great resource on the Web(the Hindu) - an holistic approach to Pregnancy. I now wonder, being from the land of Ayurveda, why I didnt investigate much earlier...

But, it is never too late ...!

The great science of Ayurveda, compares conception to the germination and sprouting of a seed and its transformation into a sapling.
When the male and female seeds unite and the soul enters the union, it becomes an embryo (garbha).
Ayurved gives importance to the quality of the seed and hence, to the development during adolescence, of both the male and the female.
In addition to the female seed, the mother also provides the 'soil, nutrition and the right season' for the seed to grow. Hence, Ayurved advises special attention to be paid to the nutrition and protection of the woman to keep her (the soil) rich and clean.

It further advises that a female under sixteen years of age and a male under twenty should not bear a child. The rules of sexual intercourse are also laid down.

So also, those of antenatal care: the husband and other family members are advised to take care of the pregnant woman's diet and encourage activities that are dear to her and beneficial to the foetus or child growing in her body. Thus, the approach towards motherhood, that is pregnancy and childbirth, is a holistic one.

From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed, the woman is advised to follow certain rules.
The physician steps in and starts supervision so that the pregnancy can terminate in a normal delivery at the scheduled time. Especially when she approaches full term, critical care is necessary as one of her feet is considered to be in this world and the other in the world of Yama (the god of death).

Ayurveda prescribes ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy as these have a direct effect on the mother and the child.
Of these, wholesome diet is given great importance as it aids foetal growth, maternal health and lactation after childbirth.
Great care is also recommended during the first three months and after the completion of the seventh month of pregnancy.

During the first three months of pregnancy, the foetus is in a formative stage. During this stage, the embryo is nourished directly by upsnehan (percolation). Therefore, more liquid diets such as fruits with juice content, coconut water, milk are recommended.
While milk and a light diet is recommended during the first month; in the second and third months, milk medicated with life-building herbs such as Vidari, Shatavari (Asparagus), Yashtimadhu (Licorice) and Brahmi are prescribed along with honey and ghee. Brahmi helps in calming the nerves and is also a good prajasthapan (sustainer of pregnancy).
Ayurved considers milk an ideal constituent of diet for pregnant women as it is a source of calcium, lactose and butter fat. Milk also has moderate amounts of protein with anabolic properties that give strength.
Ayurveda is particular that pregnant women should not get constipation. While mild laxatives and enema is recommended if there is a tendency to constipation, it is found that usually, milk alone is sufficient to cope with the constipation.

Towards the end of the third month, the foetus starts showing distinct development and sensory perceptions. Motor reactions start developing and heartbeat can also be heard.
The fourth month sees the formation of dhatus (tissues) in the foetus.
In the fifth month, blood and muscles are formed.
In the sixth month, fatty tissue is formed.
In the seventh month, foetal growth is complete. Foetal organs are well formed and acquire strength by the sixth and seventh months. Skin, hair and nails are also noticed at this stage.
Medicated ghee is recommended as a nutritional supplement to the diet.

The embryo gets its nourishment through the umbilical cord. Rice, milk, butter and ghee along with fruits and leafy vegetables are recommended. This is useful for foetal growth, for maternal health and for further lactation. As per Ayurveda, pregnancy is the time to consume nutritional food substances like urad dal and amla.
From the fourth to the seventh month, medicinal supplements such as Ashwagandha, Kraunch beej and Guduchi (Shindilkodi in Tamil, Gulancha in Bengali). Aswagandha and guduchi are given to strengthen the uterine muscles and also to nourish the embryo. These also help in the prevention of intrauterine growth retardation.
Fat, salt and water should be reduced in the diet from the seventh month onwards. Rice kanji with ghee is a recommended diet. Small amounts of basil can be taken as anti-spasmodic. Herbs such as Gokshura and Sariba, which are mild diuretics and urinary antiseptics, can also be taken.
Ayurveda advises certain concoctions (available in Ayurvedic pharmacies) during pregnancy, for the growth of the foetus and for the health of the mother.
Ghrita preparations (medicated ghee) like Phala Sarpis can be taken from the first month of pregnancy.
Dadimadi Ghritham improves the growth of the foetus while Kalyanaka Ghritham improves mental growth.
These concotions can be taken from the seventh month of pregnancy. In addition, Sukhaprasava Ghritham helps in easy delivery of the baby. These Ghrita preparations can be included as an integral part of the diet, during pregnancy.
Interestingly, the suggested Ayurvedic diet correlates to modern nutrition recommended for pregnant women such as high protein, vitamins and minerals.

Delivery is not complete unless the placenta is delivered. If the delivery is not normal, says this ancient science; the woman is likely to be affected by one or the other of a list of 64 ailments, which are described in detail in Garbhini Vyakaran.

If a couple desires to have a good progeny, both the partners should be careful about their diet, activities, behavior and emotional status before as well as after conception. One has to keep this in mind throughout the pregnancy.

:General Rules from Inception of Pregnancy to Delivery:

The mother-to-be should -

  • Be clean, neat and well dressed. Wear simple clothes.
  • Sleep under a roof in a clean environment (not infested with insects such as mosquito's etc.)
  • The food she eats should be tasty, more of it should be in a liquid form, moist, nourishing, enriched with all the six rasas (tastes) and treated by deepan drugs which are known to increase appetite and digestive power.
  • Always try to be in a happy mood.

She should always avoid -

  • Overeating or fasting
  • Sleeping during the day time and staying up late at night
  • Tight clothes and tight belts
  • Witnessing or listening to things which give rise to feelings of sorrow, anger, horror or agony
  • Travelling in a vehicle on rough roads
  • Squatting for a long time or sitting in an uncomfortable position or on a hard surface
  • Lifting heavy things or remaining in a bending position for a long time
  • Oleation massage etc. unless positively indicated
  • Beholding natural urges unless in an emergency
  • Dry, stale, fermented, heavy, hot or strong food, alcohol and meat (fish is allowed)
  • Visiting abandoned and remote places
  • Leaning into a deep well.
  • Excessive sex particularly during early and late pregnancy
I will explain point 4 from the things to avoid list...
Me & TD have been unknowingly observing, per our parents advice, some of these rules since the very begining like switching TV chanels when disturbing scenes are being telecasted.
TD resists me from watching E.R.(which is my all time fav & seriously, I have a "Doctors" mind & have no problem watching those bloody/graphic operation/emergency scenes...), News - particularly regarding Iraq & programes that scare me like horror serials/movies !

I spend time looking at wonderful baby pictures, listening to good music - sometimes put on the Gaitri-Mantra CD, Meditate(Kundalini Pranayam), go for walks around the beautiful lake Elizabeth & send out positive affirmations each day. I know I have to improve a lot though...

I now believe that whatever I see, hear, do & say are affecting Tweetu in one way or the other...

I wasnt so sure of this earlier but when I noticed an amazing similarity between 2 cute babies of 2 of my friends(who are in no way related to each other nor facially or physically resemble each other), I was stumped! These kids were born with an age difference of approx. 1.2 years. The elder one is a girl & her friend, a baby boy were born to my friends A & B resp!
They have such similar facial features, almost identical. We compared many photographs - its really hard to say whos who!
The only logical explaination to this is my friend B, when she was PG, often visited my other friend A. She almost saw A's daughter grow-up. She was there with A when A gave birth, when A's baby was bought home, first diaper change, first feeding problem - almost like a family member!

Isnt this amazing?

Now I am going to strictly watch my TV habits...my Tweetu needs all the good influences she/he can get...he/she should hear, feel , "see" good.

& what about the bad or the "reality" of the world...?
Well, she/he will be anyway exposed to these influences gradually but will have a sane mind to distinguish between the good & the bad!

I am a big fan of Giada De Laurentiis, Alton Brown, Rachel Ray & Paula! I wouldnt mind Tweetu choosing a culinary career & become a world renouned cook ...but I am pretty sure, TD will have a BIG problem !!

By K's Mumma@ 12:55 PM
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My Tweetheart...

Tweetu, you have started looking more like a human now...:) Good job! Wish I could see you but I"ll first "hear" you... !
& CONGRATS! You have finally reached to the last stage of being called an Embryo!
I know you are doing good in there...:)

Embryo At 8+ Week(Carnegie Stage 23)
Final Embryonic Stage
Week 8, 56 - 60 days, 27 - 31 mm
Features: scalp vascular plexus, eylid, eye, nose, auricle of external ear, mouth, sholder, arm, elbow, wrist, toes separated, sole of foot, umbilical cord.

Mesoderm: ossification continues
Head: eyelids, external ears, rounded head
Body: straightening of trunk, intestines herniated at umbilicus
Limbs: hands and feet turned inward.

By K's Mumma@ 6:23 AM
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