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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#Ff76ff">Road To Recovery...?</b></font>

Friday, January 26, 2007

Road To Recovery...?

or should it be 'Blame it on Hormones??'
Cant figure out the appropriate title...

Heres what has been happening lately...
~I am cramping every day...
~Am still faithful with my maternity pant & the meshy hospital panty coz they fit comfortably on my tummy...have to wait for a few more days to fit into my 'everyday' clothes...
~I am stressed out...my TMJ hasnt left for a long time...
~I am a Zombie! The last time I slept for a 6-8 hours was before Jan 7th! Getting back to that routine currently looks impossible! I manage to get about an hours sleep between feedings & diaper changes at night which is not possible during the day time coz K likes to be held all the time!
& so these days, the urge to take a few sleeping pills is growing stronger!
~The incision site is still numb. Urinating is still a problem. Firstly, I have lost the urge to go & secondly, I have an irritated Urethra - thanks to the catheter.

For my 1st post-partum appnt, I was checked for urinary infection. Thankfully I dont have it! I still have diarrhoea like bowel movements.
~I dont get time to brush my teeth or comb my hair...
~My wrists are getting stronger day by day and I am developing biceps-triceps - whatever!
~I have lost tonnes of weight...am @145lbs now! Thanks to hot flashes and night sweats that I get every night. I am the only one @home who sleeps in only a single layer of clothing. I am "stinky N wet" mom... @least, thats what TD calls me!! I need changes twice a day!
~Enough of you Lochia - its time for you to leave..

~I am thristy 24/7 & hungry than ever!
~Its a month & I havent completely healed ...my enegry levels are like when I was 7-8 months pregnant...I can only work for 2 hours max...esp if it involves driving.
~I snap without a moments notice & otherwise I am sweet as a puppy...

Unfortunately, usually my poor Mom is @ the receiving end...

But above all, I have realized, the only thing in this whole wide world that can make me happy is my sweetie K !
I love looking at her, holding her for hours... I love it the most when she cries out for me....when she stares at me, looks into my eyes, recognises me, knows my touch...& smiles back!

By K's Mumma@ 3:28 PM


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