I found some great resource on the Web(the Hindu) - an holistic approach to Pregnancy. I now wonder, being from the land of Ayurveda, why I didnt investigate much earlier...
But, it is never too late ...!
The great science of Ayurveda, compares conception to the germination and sprouting of a seed and its transformation into a sapling.
When the male and female seeds unite and the soul enters the union, it becomes an embryo (garbha).
Ayurved gives importance to the quality of the seed and hence, to the development during adolescence, of both the male and the female.
In addition to the female seed, the mother also provides the 'soil, nutrition and the right season' for the seed to grow. Hence, Ayurved advises special attention to be paid to the nutrition and protection of the woman to keep her (the soil) rich and clean.
It further advises that a female under sixteen years of age and a male under twenty should not bear a child. The rules of sexual intercourse are also laid down.
So also, those of antenatal care: the husband and other family members are advised to take care of the pregnant woman's diet and encourage activities that are dear to her and beneficial to the foetus or child growing in her body. Thus, the approach towards motherhood, that is pregnancy and childbirth, is a holistic one.
From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed, the woman is advised to follow certain rules.
The physician steps in and starts supervision so that the pregnancy can terminate in a normal delivery at the scheduled time. Especially when she approaches full term, critical care is necessary as one of her feet is considered to be in this world and the other in the world of Yama (the god of death).
Ayurveda prescribes ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy as these have a direct effect on the mother and the child.
Of these, wholesome diet is given great importance as it aids foetal growth, maternal health and lactation after childbirth.
Great care is also recommended during the first three months and after the completion of the seventh month of pregnancy.
During the first three months of pregnancy, the foetus is in a formative stage. During this stage, the embryo is nourished directly by upsnehan (percolation). Therefore, more liquid diets such as fruits with juice content, coconut water, milk are recommended.
While milk and a light diet is recommended during the first month; in the second and third months, milk medicated with life-building herbs such as Vidari, Shatavari (Asparagus), Yashtimadhu (Licorice) and Brahmi are prescribed along with honey and ghee. Brahmi helps in calming the nerves and is also a good prajasthapan (sustainer of pregnancy).
Ayurved considers milk an ideal constituent of diet for pregnant women as it is a source of calcium, lactose and butter fat. Milk also has moderate amounts of protein with anabolic properties that give strength.
Ayurveda is particular that pregnant women should not get constipation. While mild laxatives and enema is recommended if there is a tendency to constipation, it is found that usually, milk alone is sufficient to cope with the constipation.
Towards the end of the third month, the foetus starts showing distinct development and sensory perceptions. Motor reactions start developing and heartbeat can also be heard.
The fourth month sees the formation of dhatus (tissues) in the foetus.
In the fifth month, blood and muscles are formed.
In the sixth month, fatty tissue is formed.
In the seventh month, foetal growth is complete. Foetal organs are well formed and acquire strength by the sixth and seventh months. Skin, hair and nails are also noticed at this stage.
Medicated ghee is recommended as a nutritional supplement to the diet.
The embryo gets its nourishment through the umbilical cord. Rice, milk, butter and ghee along with fruits and leafy vegetables are recommended. This is useful for foetal growth, for maternal health and for further lactation. As per Ayurveda, pregnancy is the time to consume nutritional food substances like urad dal and amla.
From the fourth to the seventh month, medicinal supplements such as Ashwagandha, Kraunch beej and Guduchi (Shindilkodi in Tamil, Gulancha in Bengali). Aswagandha and guduchi are given to strengthen the uterine muscles and also to nourish the embryo. These also help in the prevention of intrauterine growth retardation.
Fat, salt and water should be reduced in the diet from the seventh month onwards. Rice kanji with ghee is a recommended diet. Small amounts of basil can be taken as anti-spasmodic. Herbs such as Gokshura and Sariba, which are mild diuretics and urinary antiseptics, can also be taken.
Ayurveda advises certain concoctions (available in Ayurvedic pharmacies) during pregnancy, for the growth of the foetus and for the health of the mother.
Ghrita preparations (medicated ghee) like Phala Sarpis can be taken from the first month of pregnancy.
Dadimadi Ghritham improves the growth of the foetus while Kalyanaka Ghritham improves mental growth.
These concotions can be taken from the seventh month of pregnancy. In addition, Sukhaprasava Ghritham helps in easy delivery of the baby. These Ghrita preparations can be included as an integral part of the diet, during pregnancy.
Interestingly, the suggested Ayurvedic diet correlates to modern nutrition recommended for pregnant women such as high protein, vitamins and minerals.
Delivery is not complete unless the placenta is delivered. If the delivery is not normal, says this ancient science; the woman is likely to be affected by one or the other of a list of 64 ailments, which are described in detail in Garbhini Vyakaran.
If a couple desires to have a good progeny, both the partners should be careful about their diet, activities, behavior and emotional status before as well as after conception. One has to keep this in mind throughout the pregnancy.
:General Rules from Inception of Pregnancy to Delivery:
The mother-to-be should -
Be clean, neat and well dressed. Wear simple clothes.
Sleep under a roof in a clean environment (not infested with insects such as mosquito's etc.)
The food she eats should be tasty, more of it should be in a liquid form, moist, nourishing, enriched with all the six rasas (tastes) and treated by deepan drugs which are known to increase appetite and digestive power.
Always try to be in a happy mood.
She should always avoid -
Overeating or fasting
Sleeping during the day time and staying up late at night
Tight clothes and tight belts
Witnessing or listening to things which give rise to feelings of sorrow, anger, horror or agony
Travelling in a vehicle on rough roads
Squatting for a long time or sitting in an uncomfortable position or on a hard surface
Lifting heavy things or remaining in a bending position for a long time
Oleation massage etc. unless positively indicated
Beholding natural urges unless in an emergency
Dry, stale, fermented, heavy, hot or strong food, alcohol and meat (fish is allowed)
Visiting abandoned and remote places
Leaning into a deep well.
Excessive sex particularly during early and late pregnancy
I will explain point 4 from the things to avoid list...
Me & TD have been unknowingly observing, per our parents advice, some of these rules since the very begining like switching TV chanels when disturbing scenes are being telecasted.
TD resists me from watching E.R.(which is my all time fav & seriously, I have a "Doctors" mind & have no problem watching those bloody/graphic operation/emergency scenes...), News - particularly regarding Iraq & programes that scare me like horror serials/movies !
I spend time looking at wonderful baby pictures, listening to good music - sometimes put on the Gaitri-Mantra CD, Meditate(Kundalini Pranayam), go for walks around the beautiful lake Elizabeth & send out positive affirmations each day. I know I have to improve a lot though...
I now believe that whatever I see, hear, do & say are affecting Tweetu in one way or the other...
I wasnt so sure of this earlier but when I noticed an amazing similarity between 2 cute babies of 2 of my friends(who are in no way related to each other nor facially or physically resemble each other), I was stumped! These kids were born with an age difference of approx. 1.2 years. The elder one is a girl & her friend, a baby boy were born to my friends A & B resp!
They have such similar facial features, almost identical. We compared many photographs - its really hard to say whos who!
The only logical explaination to this is my friend B, when she was PG, often visited my other friend A. She almost saw A's daughter grow-up. She was there with A when A gave birth, when A's baby was bought home, first diaper change, first feeding problem - almost like a family member!
Isnt this amazing?
Now I am going to strictly watch my TV habits...my Tweetu needs all the good influences she/he can get...he/she should hear, feel , "see" good.
& what about the bad or the "reality" of the world...?
Well, she/he will be anyway exposed to these influences gradually but will have a sane mind to distinguish between the good & the bad!
I am a big fan of Giada De Laurentiis, Alton Brown, Rachel Ray & Paula! I wouldnt mind Tweetu choosing a culinary career & become a world renouned cook ...but I am pretty sure, TD will have a BIG problem !!