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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#14D0F8">STOP YELLING MOM...

Thursday, September 14, 2006


...vigorously kicked Tweetu!
Last night, I went to bed very late, it was almost 11:15pm & TD was still working on getting our damn Desktop up.
I fell alseep but suddenly woke up realizing it was way past 12:15am & TD was still downstairs. I called out for TD, it was almost a loud yell. Within seconds, even before TD could reply, my sleeping baby suddenly started kicking, agitatedly! She vigorously kicked around 5 times, the 6th time, into my intestine or stomach! It pained! She was almost telling me to stop yelling & that it had disturbed her!
My God! Tweetu had never kicked so hard before. I was shocked! I tried to lay still and ease my breathing.
My baby has already developed a personality & understands when I get agitated or am angry. Her way of communicating that to me is through her kicks! She is brilliant - no doubt. I think, she will keep me in check!
Currently, TD & I are reading - 'The secret life of an Unborn Child', by Dr.Thomas Dr Verny &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; John Kelly;a must-read for all pregnant mothers & fathers, esp. those who are close to the last trimester! It goes to describe how a child's mind develops and the factors affecting it, in utero.

Here are some excerpts from the book:
'Exposure of excessive amouts of specific maternal hormones produces specific personality changes in an unborn child.'
'He is like a computer who is continually being reprogrammed.'
'Anxiety, within limits,is beneficial to th efoetus. It disturbes his sense of oneness with his surroundings and makes him aware if his own separateness and distinctness. It aslo pushes him into action. Being excited, upset or confused by noisy messages is an uncomfortable experience,so he kicks, he squirms, he gradually devises ways of getting out of the way or anxiety...'
'The foundation of anger is laid in much the same way.....we know a newborn has a special 'mad' cryand one of the things that produces it is restraining his movement...blocking his behaviour has he same effect before birth as it does afterward. If his mother happens to sit or lie in an uncomfortable position, he becomes annoyed. Unpleasant sounds-such as his father's yelling- also make him react this way.'

Photo courtesy:kimandersoncards,freecodesource

By K's Mumma@ 8:48 AM


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