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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#14D0F8">Gurrl OR A Boyy?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gurrl OR A Boyy?

There is some interesting stuff on the net...It turns out there are many, many ways to predict the sex of your unborn child....here are some...

*I took this
quiz & per the site:
"We have a 26% chance of having a boy and a 73% chance of having a girl!"

How? Here are few phunny reasons..
-You are carrying the extra weight around the hips and bottom, so it's a girl.(I have always been Oprah-like pear shaped gal!)
-The hair on your legs is not growing any faster during your preganacy, so it's a girl.
-Your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy(My feet & palms of my hand were ALWAYS cold). You are having a girl.
-You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread(BUT, I always hated that!). You are having a girl.
-The maternal grandmother doesn't have gray hair (dyed or natural), so a girl will be born.(isnt this really funny!)
-Since the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is even, it will be a boy.
-A needle on a thread held over you belly moves from side-to-side, so it will be a girl.(oh! cmmon!)
-Your nose hasn't changed during pregnancy(what???!!), which indicates a girl.
-You are not having headaches, so it's a girl.(& thats a RELIEF!)Your belly looks like a watermelon, so it's a girl.You show them the palm of your hand, so it's a girl.
-You use the body of the mug, so it's a girl.(coz the mug ears are small!)

*Let’s use the
Chinese Calendar method....per the table, it’s going to be a girl!

*Some p
eople also say that girls have heartbeats faster than boys. As you may know, Tweetu has consistently been @150, so girl?

Ah ha!This article illustrates, how foetal heart rate is not does not predict sex at all.

But seriously, let’s try to find out how we can
scientifically find out the gender of the foetus.
-Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is generally only performed if there is a high risk of genetic abnormalities as there is a 4% chance of miscariage as a result of this test.
-Amniocentisis is also similar and is generally not recommended unless the
Alpha-fetoprotein test comes out positive.
-Since the other two options are out, the only one left is the u/s. But an u/s is not a very good way of finding the gender of the baby. We know several people who got it wrong. The most common mistake is “we can’t see a penis, so it’s a girl.” The accuracy depends on several factors like the position/pose of the fetus, gestational age, technician’s ability, etc.

Well let me tell you a secret...TD wants a boy!! & I want a happy healthy baby.

By K's Mumma@ 2:57 PM


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