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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#FF76FF">Tweety, this is day number...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tweety, this is day number...

... 173 and you're 25 weeks pregnant!
You have 107 days or 15 weeks left, and are 62.5% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 159 days or 23 weeks.

:: Baby Development ::
Your baby weighs about 1.5 pounds and measures 8.8 inches from crown to rump. He or she is becoming stronger as its stem cells continue to develop into bone tissue, and its bones become solid through a process called ossification.

BTW, no more pumps for me! I mean Breast Pumps! I was in a pump-whirlpool for a while until a friend fished me out!
We wanted to finish off shopping for the 'big-ticket' items first & b.pump is one of those.
It costs around $250!!
See, that is why I call it 'big-ticket'!
Neways, we were open for new, borrowed & begged! We figured, the accessories would come for free from the hospital(like one of my friends had mentioned) so we would borrow or buy just the motor.
We had also calculated that if we bought a brand new kit, it would pay off within 4-6 months provided I use it daily.
Turns out, the hospital sells the accessories for $50. They recommend that you dont use a used pump(motor) as 'there could be a chance that backed-up milk is still trapped in the membrane behind the motor & milk is any way considered a bodily fluid'. Oouch!
2ndly, will I really need a pump?Its a must-have for gals juggling a 9-5 job, which is not the case with me as I run a business & thus have a flexible schedule.
There are ways to work out things like planning to go out per babies feeding schedule. Maybe a manual pump is just made for me!
& what are my chances of not being able to feed my baby well, arising from complications?
I cant think of any at this point! & seriously wouldnt know until we get there!
So the breast-pump is back on the 'later' list & we will buy it, if & only if Tweety & I cant do without it! What a relief...for now!
It doesnt fail to amaze me the kind of grey cells investment, I/we are making, in such otherwise trivial stuff! Maybe all first timmers go thro it, maybe not! We are still kinda undecided regarding the Crib! @least, the Bassinet problem is solved as we are borrowing a Cradle from a friend.
But I can see the list of items that def will need some brain-workouts...!
Bring it on baby!
Photo courtesy:pregnancyweekly,medela

By K's Mumma@ 3:07 PM


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