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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#FF76FF">Only 100 Days To Go...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Only 100 Days To Go...

Our Babies 4D u/s pic is here! & its a great time to show it off as we are only a 100 days away from meeting our Baby!
Isnt it cute? Tweetu was all curled up...deep in sleep, tummy side down! Babies toes were touching its forehead. Tweety-Pie smiled a couple of times...it was so surreal! Never imagined, I would get to 'see' my baby before birth! Thanks technology! we feel, (@least)every first-time parents should get their babies 4D u/s...its awesome!
BTW, we now know our baby's gender!
Guess who Tweety-pie really is..!!

!Heres A Cute Poem To Mark The Occassion!

When One Becomes Two...

A new life begins-
a fresh heartbeat,
a flutter of feet,
a new soul.

Little miracle placed in my womb-
I feed you, I nurture you
and the string between our hearts grows strong.

Little one growing in my womb-
Daddy and I lay our hands upon my growing belly
and wait for you to flutter a reply,

Little person living in my womb-
I welcome and cherish your consuming presence
and long to gaze into your deep, warm eyes.

Little babe curled up in my womb-
I anxiously prepare for your arrival
and dream of touching your soft new skin.

Little child born of my womb-
I embrace your tiny self
and dream, of holding you forever.

Oh baby, sweet baby-
a fresh heartbeat,
a flutter of feet,
a new soul.

By Jacquelyn Delaveaga

By K's Mumma@ 12:27 PM


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