<bgsound src="http://www.munchkin.com/information_station/get_download.php?file=../userfiles/File/AhVousDiraiJeTwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.mp3">

My Tweety Pie...: May 2006

My Tweety Pie...

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


For the entire evening yesterday, I tried to stay away from Reese's 'Nutrageous' bar...
gave in today.... :(
Aah..... I feel so guilty...
Ate the whole 280 cal(140 fat cal) bar, in one go :( Oucch!
Solace-?? it has peanuts...a good Protein source...???!! -yeah right!

Just finished reading the 'What to eat when expecting' .....
Sugar is strictly a no no...& a Chocolate is simply allowed once in a month....

God! how am I going to survive without Chocolate for a month?
On Memorial Day Monday morning, I had a "bad" craving for warm Cinnamon rolls and the
very yummy TJs Pound cake...

TD didnt buy them but commented by saying- if this your condition in these first few weeks, what will happen in the 7 month?

By K's Mumma@ 7:16 PM
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Yes! We are going to Alaska in August!
Our last vacation together!

Embryo At 8+ Week(Carnegie Stage 22)
Week 8, 54 - 56 days, 23 - 28 mm
Identify: straightening of trunk, pigmented eye, eyelid, nose, external acoustic meatus, ear auricle, scalp vascular plexus, separated digits (fingers), thigh, ankle, umbilical cord
Events:Ectoderm:Mesoderm: heart prominence, ossification continues
Head: nose, eye, external acoustic meatus
Body:straightening of trunk, heart, liver, umbilical cord
Limb: upper limbs longer and bent at elbow, foot plate with webbed digits, wrist, hand plate with separated digits.
The buttock pain that I talked about the last time seems to be a comman problem with us PG gals...It can start as early as 6 weeks & can continue in the 14th week...! The body is preparing itself to adjust to a different center of gravity parameter....this is also often accompanied by changes in the stance & ones gait...

By K's Mumma@ 5:11 PM
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Monday, May 29, 2006

8+ Week

Wow! I'm in the 8+ week final Embryonic Stage already...! Soon our Tweetu will be called a Foetus & not Embryo!
Apart for the on-off constipation & diaorrhea(funny ha!both the conditions together?!!) & a more recent after-a-2-mile-walk-pain-in-my-butt, I am in great shape!
I am investigating the buttock-pain...maybe due to bad walking posture, or not so good shoes, too much of excercise??? Or simplyI will have to accept it, as my pelvic region is undergoing changes at a very fast rate!
I havent put on any weight, still@ 135lbs & I dont think thats really a problem at this stage! My appetite hasnt increased-maybe because I am on a really super healthy diet...my body is absorbing every ounce of food I consume?!
Have been having some mood swings, increased sensitive lately...but thats all!
Looking forward to hearing Tweetu's heartbeats....!

Embryo At 8+ Week
(Carnegie Stage 21)
53 - 54 days, 22 - 24 mm
Features: scalp vascular plexus, eylid, eye, nose, auricle of external ear, arm, elbow, wrist, knee, notch between digital rays, umbilical cord
Identify: straightening of trunk, pigmented eye, eyelid, nose, external acoustic meatus, scalp vascular plexus, webbed digits, liver prominance, thigh, ankle, foot plate, umbilical cord.

Ectoderm: sensory placodes, nasal pits moved ventrally, fourth ventricle of brain
Mesoderm: heart prominence, ossification continues
Head: nose, eye, external acoustic meatus
Body:straightening of trunk, heart, liver, umbilical cord
Limb: upper limbs longer and bent at elbow, foot plate with digital rays begin to separate, wrist, hand plate with webbed digits.

By K's Mumma@ 8:38 AM
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

8 Week

Embryo At 8+ Week(Carnegie Stage 20)
Week 8, 51 - 53 days, 18 - 22 mm
Features: Scalp vascular plexus, eylid, eye, nose, external acoustic meatus, auricle of external ear, arm, elbow, wrist, liver prominence, digital rays.
Identify: straightening of trunk, pigmented eye, eyelid, nose, external acoustic meatus, scalp vascular plexus, digital rays, liver prominance, thigh, ankle, foot plate, umbilical cord.
Events: Ectoderm: sensory placodes, lens pit, otocyst, nasal pits moved ventrally, fourth ventricle of brain
Mesoderm: heart prominence, ossification continues

Head: forebrain, eye, external acoustic meatus.
Body:straightening of trunk, heart, liver, umbilical cord.
Limb: upper limbs longer and bent at elbow, foot plate with digital rays, wrist, hand plate digital rays begin to separate.

By K's Mumma@ 9:18 PM
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Dental Deep-Cleaning & Pregnancy...

I have been advised by my dentist to get the Scaling and root planing procedure. Heres what I found on the AAP website when I googgled.
I am confused and am not sure what to do. But I will consult my Gynac and see what she has to say. My most awaited 1st physical is on the 8th of June...eagarly looking forward to it!

<*>Scaling and root planing is a common periodontal procedure that is performed by a periodontist, a dental practitioner who specializes in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the supporting tissues and placement of dental implants. The tooth-root surfaces are cleaned to remove plaque and tartar from deep periodontal pockets and to smooth the root to remove bacterial toxins.
<*> scaling and root planing may significantly reduce a mother's chance of having a preterm birth,” said said Marjorie Jeffcoat, D.M.D, study author and former Rosen professor and chair at the University of Alabama at Birmingham school of dentistry.
<*> Women who are already pregnant when periodontal disease is detected are ideally treated with scaling and root planing in the second trimester, which is a pragmatic protocol according to most Ob-Gyn specialists.
<*>Periodontal diseases are serious bacterial infections that destroy the attachment fibers and supporting bone that hold your teeth in your mouth. When the attachment fibers are destroyed, gums separate from the teeth, forming pockets that fill with plaque and even more infection. As the disease progresses, these pockets deepen even further, more gum tissue and bone are destroyed and the teeth eventually become loose. Approximately 15 percent of adults between 21 and 50 years old and 30 percent of adults over 50 have the disease, with higher percentages often found in a pregnant population.

By K's Mumma@ 2:03 PM
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Monday, May 22, 2006


Embryo 7+ Week(Carnegie Stage 19)
48 - 51 days, 16 - 18 mm

Features: Eyelid, eye, external acoustic meatus, auricle of external ear, digital ray, wrist, liver prominence.
Identify: Straightening of trunk, pigmented eye, eyelid, external acoustic meatus, digital rays, liver prominance, thigh, ankle, foot plate, umbilical cord.
Events: Ectoderm: sensory placodes, lens pit, otocyst, nasal pits moved ventrally, fourth ventricle of brain
Mesoderm: heart prominence, ossification continues

Head: forebrain, eye, external acoustic meatus.
Body:straightening of trunk, heart, liver, umbilical cord.
Limb: upper and lower limb buds, foot plate with digital rays, wrist, hand plate digital rays begin to separate.

By K's Mumma@ 5:48 PM
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Friday, May 19, 2006

Week 4 OR Week 5 Or Is It Week 6 ?

This is a funny question!
Why funny?
Because I am not in the week that I am told I am in...!
Confusing ha! Well thats the standard embryo/feotal age classification problem.
When I found out that I was pregnant, my GYN nurse told me, I was in week 4. This was impossible considering that fact that there was no baby in the first two weeks!
I was in the week 4 because the count started from the first day of my last period!! So thats where the problem lies. & that is why they say a typical pregnancy period ends at 40 weeks instead of 38!
During the week my periods started, I was in my first week of pregnancy, but I had not yet completed any weeks so I was zero weeks pregnant!
Think about it this way — you don't say that a baby is one year old during his first year of life do
you? He/she is not considered to be one year old until he/she's actually in his/her second year!

So is pregnancy really 10 months long?
Most practitioners determine the due date by counting 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. Keep in mind that you're not actually pregnant for the first two weeks because you haven't even ovulated yet, and you don't usually find out you're pregnant until you're about 4 or 5 weeks along. But this is how most people count it. And forty weeks adds up to about nine calendar months (30 or 31 days each) or ten lunar months (28 days each). In order to make it easy to count the months, a lot of guidebooks and web sites, will count the months of pregnancy as lunar months, so that every four weeks, you're another month along. Counting this way, you will be ten lunar months pregnant by the time 40 weeks is up!

By K's Mumma@ 2:28 PM
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7+ Weeks

Embryo At 7+ Weeks
(Carnegie stage 18)
44 - 48 days, 13 - 17 mm

Features: Ectoderm-sensory placodes, lens pit, otocyst,nasal pits moved ventrally, fourth ventricle of brain
Mesoderm- heart prominence. Head-1st, 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal arch, forebrain, eye, auricular hillocks. Body- heart, liver, umbilical cord. Limb-upper and lower limb buds, foot plate, wrist, hand plate with digital rays.

By seven weeks, the baby has grown into an embryo about the size of a raspberry and has a tiny beating heart. He/she'll be growing very fast in the next few weeks...

By K's Mumma@ 2:22 PM
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5+ Weeks

Embryo At 5+ Weeks(Carnegie Stage 15)
35 - 38 days, 7 - 9 mm
Features: Midbrain region, nasal pit, lens pit, 1st, 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal arches, 1st pharyngeal groove, maxillary and mandibular components of 1st pharyngeal arch, fourth ventricle of brain, heart prominence, cervical sinus, upper limb bud, mesonephric ridge, lower limb bud, umbilical cord

By K's Mumma@ 11:41 AM
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The D Day...!

Its official!
We are pregnant!
On the 2nd, I took a home pregnancy test. While walking
out of the loo, I quickly glanced over the stip & saw 2 distinct lines. That didnt ring any bells as I was a little confused with the Ovulationn test readings(experienced, I think you know what I am talking about :)). Exited, me & him got on the net to find out what the result ment...& to our sheer joy, the test was positive!
It took me nearly 10 mins to really calm down and get my mind on track....I wasnt ready to accept it - not yet! Infact these home pregnacy tests are only 98-99% accurate :) So called up the clinic to take the actual test. We drove down within the next .5 hrs to the clinic(which is just a block away from our home). Around noon, I got a phone call from the clinic confirming our
So its really happening I thought...! 'He' says, he knew it all this time...which is not-so-like-him-a-statement!
So now, I am/we are eagarly looking towards how this journey will come about!
Next chapter of my life has already begun...
PS: This technically should be my first post....well...!

By K's Mumma@ 6:01 PM
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Tweetu's Dad!
Tweetu's Mom :)

By K's Mumma@ 9:36 AM
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Monday, May 15, 2006


Over the last few weeks I feel nothing different than normal! Just a tingling sensation on the left side, below tummy(per Doc, my Uterus is readjusting).
Sometime when I sleep on my left side, I can feel a pressure point...like somethings making its presence felt...I felt like I had an inflamed ovary :)) They say, too much of knowledge is bad! But I choose to be knowlegeble than being ingnorant!
Some tenderness where its supposed to be:)
Else I have lost weight - from 138 to 135lbs.

Oh yes, did I mention my body temperature change? I feel warmer than normal, since the last month...
Also, I had some episode of Diarrhoea(consult your Gyn nurse if you have it for more than 3-4 days...not a good thing to have esp. during this period), for about a couple of days. That improved soon after I started taking Tums(on Gyn Nurses advice)! They worked wonders!

I lost interest & focus in things the first week when we discovered we were pregnant(May 2nd week)...just getting back on track.
I have drastically & consciously improved my eating habits ie adding 5 or more servings of fruits each day & keeping myself hydrated. & I have to take care of my "little" paunch(I am already looking like 3-4 months down the line:))...know whats the reason? CHOCOLATES!! I love eating Chocolates...cant resist...!
But I must avoid periods when I tend to starve myself(a nurse said "if you are starving so is your baby" - ouchh).

I am trying to perform Pranayam daily...& I am sure, it will be a part of my routine soon. Similarly, I want to stay commited to my daily 30 min brisk walks.
Have already been to my 1st pregnancy class, conducted at my clinic. It was wonderful watching the movie - from conception to birth. I have watched similar documentaries tonnes of times. But it felt a whole lot different on that day! The clinic provided us a pregnancy guide & some information on certain tests. There were around 15 couples, all well advanced in pregnancies. We(my hubby & I) were the only once who were that "young"!
Now waiting for my 1st OB visit(week 10). Its supposedly some physical exam. They will also be testing me for sugar etc. Also will get to hear Baby's(foetus) heart beats for the first time(with the help of Doppler)! We are planning on recording the beats. I am not sure if they(clinic) will provide us with a stream feed or something...

I am only a month down & I am feeling bored already! 8 more months to go!!
Embryo At 6+ Weeks (Carnegie Stage 16)
37 - 42 days, 8 - 11 mm
Features:Eye showing retinal pigment, nasolacrimal groove, nasal pit, fourth ventricle of brain, umbilical cord, 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches, cervical sinus, heart, developing arm with hand plate, foot plate.

Embryo At 6+ Weeks (Carnegie Stage 17)
42 - 44 days, 11 - 14 mm
Features: Pigmented eye, nasal pit, nasolacrimal groove, external acoustic meatus, auricular hillock, heart, digital rays, liver pronminance, thigh, ankle, foot plate, umbilical cord.

By K's Mumma@ 3:58 PM
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My First Pregnancy Blog!

Mothers, Yet2B Moms & Other Xperienced Ladies Are Welcome To Drop In Their 'Words Of Wisdom'!
Tweetu's Mom :)

By K's Mumma@ 1:20 PM
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