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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#ff99ff">8+ Week</font></b>

Monday, May 29, 2006

8+ Week

Wow! I'm in the 8+ week final Embryonic Stage already...! Soon our Tweetu will be called a Foetus & not Embryo!
Apart for the on-off constipation & diaorrhea(funny ha!both the conditions together?!!) & a more recent after-a-2-mile-walk-pain-in-my-butt, I am in great shape!
I am investigating the buttock-pain...maybe due to bad walking posture, or not so good shoes, too much of excercise??? Or simplyI will have to accept it, as my pelvic region is undergoing changes at a very fast rate!
I havent put on any weight, still@ 135lbs & I dont think thats really a problem at this stage! My appetite hasnt increased-maybe because I am on a really super healthy diet...my body is absorbing every ounce of food I consume?!
Have been having some mood swings, increased sensitive lately...but thats all!
Looking forward to hearing Tweetu's heartbeats....!

Embryo At 8+ Week
(Carnegie Stage 21)
53 - 54 days, 22 - 24 mm
Features: scalp vascular plexus, eylid, eye, nose, auricle of external ear, arm, elbow, wrist, knee, notch between digital rays, umbilical cord
Identify: straightening of trunk, pigmented eye, eyelid, nose, external acoustic meatus, scalp vascular plexus, webbed digits, liver prominance, thigh, ankle, foot plate, umbilical cord.

Ectoderm: sensory placodes, nasal pits moved ventrally, fourth ventricle of brain
Mesoderm: heart prominence, ossification continues
Head: nose, eye, external acoustic meatus
Body:straightening of trunk, heart, liver, umbilical cord
Limb: upper limbs longer and bent at elbow, foot plate with digital rays begin to separate, wrist, hand plate with webbed digits.

By K's Mumma@ 8:38 AM


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