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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#33ccff">6+weeks</b></font>

Monday, May 15, 2006


Over the last few weeks I feel nothing different than normal! Just a tingling sensation on the left side, below tummy(per Doc, my Uterus is readjusting).
Sometime when I sleep on my left side, I can feel a pressure point...like somethings making its presence felt...I felt like I had an inflamed ovary :)) They say, too much of knowledge is bad! But I choose to be knowlegeble than being ingnorant!
Some tenderness where its supposed to be:)
Else I have lost weight - from 138 to 135lbs.

Oh yes, did I mention my body temperature change? I feel warmer than normal, since the last month...
Also, I had some episode of Diarrhoea(consult your Gyn nurse if you have it for more than 3-4 days...not a good thing to have esp. during this period), for about a couple of days. That improved soon after I started taking Tums(on Gyn Nurses advice)! They worked wonders!

I lost interest & focus in things the first week when we discovered we were pregnant(May 2nd week)...just getting back on track.
I have drastically & consciously improved my eating habits ie adding 5 or more servings of fruits each day & keeping myself hydrated. & I have to take care of my "little" paunch(I am already looking like 3-4 months down the line:))...know whats the reason? CHOCOLATES!! I love eating Chocolates...cant resist...!
But I must avoid periods when I tend to starve myself(a nurse said "if you are starving so is your baby" - ouchh).

I am trying to perform Pranayam daily...& I am sure, it will be a part of my routine soon. Similarly, I want to stay commited to my daily 30 min brisk walks.
Have already been to my 1st pregnancy class, conducted at my clinic. It was wonderful watching the movie - from conception to birth. I have watched similar documentaries tonnes of times. But it felt a whole lot different on that day! The clinic provided us a pregnancy guide & some information on certain tests. There were around 15 couples, all well advanced in pregnancies. We(my hubby & I) were the only once who were that "young"!
Now waiting for my 1st OB visit(week 10). Its supposedly some physical exam. They will also be testing me for sugar etc. Also will get to hear Baby's(foetus) heart beats for the first time(with the help of Doppler)! We are planning on recording the beats. I am not sure if they(clinic) will provide us with a stream feed or something...

I am only a month down & I am feeling bored already! 8 more months to go!!
Embryo At 6+ Weeks (Carnegie Stage 16)
37 - 42 days, 8 - 11 mm
Features:Eye showing retinal pigment, nasolacrimal groove, nasal pit, fourth ventricle of brain, umbilical cord, 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches, cervical sinus, heart, developing arm with hand plate, foot plate.

Embryo At 6+ Weeks (Carnegie Stage 17)
42 - 44 days, 11 - 14 mm
Features: Pigmented eye, nasal pit, nasolacrimal groove, external acoustic meatus, auricular hillock, heart, digital rays, liver pronminance, thigh, ankle, foot plate, umbilical cord.

By K's Mumma@ 3:58 PM


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