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My Tweety Pie...: <b><font color="#33ccff">Week 4 OR Week 5 Or Is It Week 6 ?</font></b>

Friday, May 19, 2006

Week 4 OR Week 5 Or Is It Week 6 ?

This is a funny question!
Why funny?
Because I am not in the week that I am told I am in...!
Confusing ha! Well thats the standard embryo/feotal age classification problem.
When I found out that I was pregnant, my GYN nurse told me, I was in week 4. This was impossible considering that fact that there was no baby in the first two weeks!
I was in the week 4 because the count started from the first day of my last period!! So thats where the problem lies. & that is why they say a typical pregnancy period ends at 40 weeks instead of 38!
During the week my periods started, I was in my first week of pregnancy, but I had not yet completed any weeks so I was zero weeks pregnant!
Think about it this way — you don't say that a baby is one year old during his first year of life do
you? He/she is not considered to be one year old until he/she's actually in his/her second year!

So is pregnancy really 10 months long?
Most practitioners determine the due date by counting 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. Keep in mind that you're not actually pregnant for the first two weeks because you haven't even ovulated yet, and you don't usually find out you're pregnant until you're about 4 or 5 weeks along. But this is how most people count it. And forty weeks adds up to about nine calendar months (30 or 31 days each) or ten lunar months (28 days each). In order to make it easy to count the months, a lot of guidebooks and web sites, will count the months of pregnancy as lunar months, so that every four weeks, you're another month along. Counting this way, you will be ten lunar months pregnant by the time 40 weeks is up!

By K's Mumma@ 2:28 PM


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